Your donations directly fund high-quality, low-cost college education for our students. Thank you!
Niñas Arriba is a campaign to change the world, one girl at a time. Your donation directly funds a private college education for a young woman in a gang-dominated suburb in El Salvador. Your donations have made it possible for our first cohort of students — Xiomara, Marta, Rosmery and Vanesa — to earn their degrees!
The campaign currently provides full scholarships for our new cohort — Norma, Leidy and Reina — to attend Universidad Centroamericana "José Simeón Cañas" (UCA), a private, Catholic university in San Salvador. Each scholarship covers monthly tuition, academic fees and supplies, food and transportation for our students. Funds are sent directly to the university in our students’ names.
Donations are processed by our fiscal sponsor, Stone Room Concerts, a 501(c)3 public charity based in Virginia.
Donors can make a tax-deductible contribution to this fund in one of three ways:
Please make it out to Stone Room Concerts (with “Ninas Arriba” in the memo line), and mail to:
Stone Room Concerts
406 James Court
Falls Church, VA 22046
(this includes credit cards)
(Note: All credit card fees will be paid by Paypal, and you will receive a letter for charitable contributions.)
Network for Good
Network for Good is a hybrid organization—a nonprofit-owned for-profit. Network for Good’s nonprofit donor-advised fund uses the Internet and mobile technology to securely and efficiently distribute thousands of donations from donors to their favorite charities each year. Their donor-advised fund is accredited by the Better Business Bureau Wise Giving Alliance and meets all 20 of its standards for charity accountability.
All donations are processed by our fiscal sponsor, Stone Room Concerts, a registered 501(c)(3) Public Charity. Stone Room Concerts charges no administrative fees for the Niñas Arriba fund, so 100% of all contributions go toward their intended purpose. All donors will receive a letter at the end of the year acknowledging their contribution, which is tax-deductible to the extent permitted by the IRS.
Note that until early 2015, funds were processed by VIDES+USA, the organization through which Gina and Jodi originally went to El Salvador.